Transgender Murders In El Salvador

Many transgender people in El Salvador are living in fear of murder. According to the article below, three transgender people were killed this past February. There is speculation that these killings have come as a result of the country’s Roman Catholic Church that does not believe in the legitimacy of the LGBTQ community.

We think that it is absolutely awful that Salvadorans are living in fear. In order for Salvadorans to make progress towards LGBTQ equality, we believe that they need to separate the idea of gender identity and sexual orientation from the Church. Regardless of religious beliefs, we are all humans at the end of the day.

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Gender Identity and the Christian Church: An Affirmative View


As today’s society continues to progress in terms of understanding and accepting those of the LGBTQ community, it is safe to say that there are still a number of steps to be taken until equality is reached. Among the many groups that remain passionate in their arguments against transgender people is the Christian Church, which preaches that such individuals have a psychological disorder and should be either changed or rejected. As a group, we feel that these ideals are not only wrong but also unjust. Just as religion is a freedom in America, gender identity should be one within that as well.

Not all Christians, however, are in agreement with such values. There are even a number of transgender people who themselves identify as Christian. Caitlyn Jenner, a well known television personality who recently transitioned from male to female, is both a follower of the Christian religion as well as a frequent church goer.


In his online blogging site, John Pavlovitz uses Christianity as a prominent theme in his posts. As a heterosexual Christian male, he argues against members of the Church who oppose transgender people. The writer addresses that the Bible does not at all mention gender identity, and that those who refuse to be accepting are essentially going against the real, underlying focus of the religion, which is love, acceptance, and kindness.

We believe that no one should feel unsafe entering any religious temple or church at all, let alone one of their one religion. Religion and the members of the community should be there in times of struggle and difficulty. People who do not identify with their biological sex should be able to find comfort in the arms of their religious peers, leaders, and God. It is a shame that many are unable to distinguish between the difference of “sex” and “gender,” and that they use the Bible as an excuse to openly shame people who are just trying to be themselves.

Hopefully time will allow for the Christian Church, and all religions for that matter, to participate in equality of all people, gender, etc. In the meantime, it is important that people such as Caitlyn Jenner and John Pavlovitz continue to speak their truths and impact the lives of others.

LGBTQ Rights Based On State

This image is a state breakdown of LGBTQ rights. It covers marriage rights, hospital visits, adoption, employment, housing, hate crimes and schools.


By looking at this image, it is clear that all states do not agree on LGBTQ rights. Some states are more accepting than others. The darker the color is in the image represents how accepting a state is on certain rights. We believe that the Federal Government should control LGBTQ rights because the states all think differently. Members of the LGBTQ community will have greater acceptance nationwide because of this control.

Gender Identity Discrimination in the Workplace: A Refutation


Discrimination against members of the LGBTQ community is an extremely prevalent issue within workplace environments across the country. Many instances in which people were denied jobs, fired, harassed, and more simply because of their sexuality or gender identity unfortunately continue to occur in America today.

In 2014, a few steps were taken towards finding a solution when former president Barack Obama signed an executive order that prohibited the federal government from contracting with any firms that discriminated against their workers, customers, or clients for reasons such as their sexual orientation or gender identity. Ten days after, he signed an additional order which stated that all firms doing business with the federal government were required to prove their adherence to federal laws and executive orders. This enforced his initial executive order by having all workplaces demonstrate that they are completely fair as well as respectful towards LBGTQ employees.

Years later, in 2017, our country has unfortunately regressed in terms of this matter under the presidency of Donald Trump. Despite his assurance at the beginning of his term that not only did he intend to protect the LGBTQ community but also that he would not rescind the executive order concerning their rights within the workplace, he later proved that he was not on the side of those who are gay, transgender, etc.

On Monday, March 27, President Trump annulled Obama’s second executive order on the issue. By doing so, he took away the requirements for firms having to confirm their compliance to the order regarding discrimination against LGBTQ workers. While that order may still be in place, there is now nothing that is there to back it up and ensure that employers are not violating the law. Not only does this give firms the opportunity to discriminate against those within the LGBTQ community essentially without facing any consequences, but it sends the message to the people that the government does not care whether or not you break the law, which makes doing so ok.


It is upsetting that this order has been rescinded, as well as it is upsetting that no additional action has been taken towards improving the lives and opportunities of those who identify as LGBTQ in work environments. Everybody should be treated equally and with respect despite their sexual orientation or gender identity. The fact that President Trump voided Obama’s order lets the public believe that it isn’t important to respect people who may be different from you and that they do not deserve the same equal rights as everyone else.

Everyone, no matter what sexuality, gender, or gender identity, should be granted the same freedoms as everybody else. It is unfortunate that this may no longer be demonstrated within workplaces following President Trump’s recent decision, but hopefully further action towards putting a stop to LGBTQ discrimination will be made in the near future.

Workplace Tolerance: An Affirmative View

UnknownGender is something that follows people everywhere they go, including in the workplace. Transgender employees are constantly being discriminated against at their jobs. 21 percent of LGBTQ employees have reported being discriminated against regarding hiring, promotions and pay. As a group, we believe this is not fair. All people, no matter what their gender identity is, deserve equal rights.

One company in particular that has shown great growth with workplace acceptance and tolerance of LGBTQ employees is Starbucks. Starbucks is committed to including and accepting all. In May 2016, Lucy Helm, executive vice president, general counsel and secretary, released a letter to all Starbucks employees. The letter reinforced Starbucks’ Global Human Rights Statement which reads, “Starbucks is committed to support and uphold the provision of basic human rights and to eliminate discriminatory practices.” They support their employees through everything and do not stand for inequality.

In the past, Starbucks has offered health insurance coverage to their employees who are lesbian and gay and has also supported employees that are transgender or considering transitioning. The company has expanded their health care coverage to include gender reassignment surgeries. This creates a company environment that is respectful and welcoming.

zR9ap6dk-7360-4912This is an image of the Starbucks headquarters raising a Gay Pride flag, recognizing the LGBTQ community.

The work environment at Starbucks has positively impacted many employees. One in particular is Shawn Orchowski. Orchowski had a difficult time coming out as transgender to his family but found “unconditional acceptance” at Starbucks because of the open and inclusive setting.

This sense of inclusion runs deep through their entire company. Each worker fully believes in the company’s goals, including Starbucks Chairman and CEO Howard Schultz. At an annual meeting of shareholders, one stockholder stated that Starbucks lost customers because of its support of the LGBTQ community and gay marriage. Schultz responded by explaining that not every decision a company makes is based on finances. His decision to support the LGBTQ community was made “through the lens of the people [employees and clients].”

Other companies should follow in Starbucks’ footsteps. The company strives to make everyone feel accepted and to create a space where employees and customers are not afraid to be their true selves.url

Discrimination Against LGBTQ In Most States

The video below explains how although same sex marriage is legal in all 50 states, it is still currently legal for an employer to fire its worker based on their gender identity.

Even though many states are working towards equality for all, most civil rights laws do not protect LGBTQ people from discrimination.  Those within this community are often denied jobs, housing, and service in restaurants or other areas of the general public.

There are way too many instances of people being scared to be open about their gender identity in their place of work because they are scared of being fired and for their physical safety.

Gender Identity Across the Country

The Human Rights Organization recently published a report on the main issues concerning gender identity in American schools. The study, which was done based on more than 500 student, teacher, parent, and other interviews, indicated that the lack of LGBTQ education amongst kids is detrimental to the lives of many and a key contributor to instances of bullying, harassment, and discrimination.

While a number of states have been working to implement policies that protect the rights of LGBTQ youth in schools, a great deal of progress is still needed to be made. Additionally, many administrations have remained opposed to the idea of any gender identity curriculum to be implemented in a classroom setting.

Below is a map identifying the states that have laws against teaching LGBTQ issues in school. Limiting such education will only continue to hurt not only those who are victims of gender discrimination, but also society as a whole.us1216_antilgbt_map-01_0

Jory Mandell

My name is Jory Mandell and I am a sophomore public relations major at the University of Maryland. I was born and raised in Montclair, New Jersey, a town that is very diverse and accepting of anybody and everybody.

Growing up, I was surrounded by people of all races, religions, sexualities, and gender identities.  For the most part, my peers were all very open and comfortable about who they truly were, and were rarely judged or shamed for it. However, over the years I have come to realize that the rest of this world is not the same as my hometown, and it is something that upsets me greatly.

I chose to come attend this university because of the diversity and the large population of the student body. While it is, for the most part, more accepting than others and there are many apart of communities such as that of the LGBTQ one, people are still not nearly as aware as they should be when it comes to this subject.

I am lucky enough to feel comfortable with who I am and in my own skin, but unfortunately, that can not be said for everyone. It is appalling that people have to feel shame when it comes to matters of their gender identity and that they are unable to have the same rights as everyone else.  This is a topic that I am personally very passionate about, and through this blog, I am hoping to inspire others to feel the same.  hands-in-air

Arielle Dukofsky

My name is Arielle Dukofsky, and I’m a sophomore public relations major at the University of Maryland. One of the main reasons I chose to study at the University of Maryland is the diversity of its student body. I am grateful that I have the opportunity to receive my education in a place filled with people coming from all different backgrounds, cultures, and identities. While being exposed to all different perspectives, I can confidently say that I have grown as a person and have opened myself up to new people and ideas; one of these ideas being gender identity.

Over the past few years, I have become increasingly aware of the complexities surrounding gender identity and its prevalence in society. In addition, I have begun to notice the inequality that transgender people face on a daily basis – whether it be at work, in the classroom, or on the street. I believe that this intolerance of others comes as a direct result of ignorance and outdated social norms that fog a person’s perception. Through this blog, I will strive to promote the acceptance of all gender identities in society.GenderGraphic-e1433379746312-655x473



The purpose of this blog is to share our opposition to rules restricting the rights of those who do not identify with the gender assigned to them at birth. Regardless of what gender a person identifies with, we believe that every person should have equal rights and opportunities. Society has recently become more open and accepting, allowing many celebrities and public figures to feel comfortable revealing themselves as transgender. With these individuals openly discussing their gender identity in the media, it promotes others who may be questioning their identity to have the confidence to open up as well. Through this blog, we hope to continue this trend of positivity by encouraging others to become more accepting of all identities. Over the next few months, we will share our views regarding four controversial subtopics within the gender identity debate. We hope that you will continue to check back to read our weekly updates.many-gender