Jory Mandell

My name is Jory Mandell and I am a sophomore public relations major at the University of Maryland. I was born and raised in Montclair, New Jersey, a town that is very diverse and accepting of anybody and everybody.

Growing up, I was surrounded by people of all races, religions, sexualities, and gender identities.  For the most part, my peers were all very open and comfortable about who they truly were, and were rarely judged or shamed for it. However, over the years I have come to realize that the rest of this world is not the same as my hometown, and it is something that upsets me greatly.

I chose to come attend this university because of the diversity and the large population of the student body. While it is, for the most part, more accepting than others and there are many apart of communities such as that of the LGBTQ one, people are still not nearly as aware as they should be when it comes to this subject.

I am lucky enough to feel comfortable with who I am and in my own skin, but unfortunately, that can not be said for everyone. It is appalling that people have to feel shame when it comes to matters of their gender identity and that they are unable to have the same rights as everyone else.  This is a topic that I am personally very passionate about, and through this blog, I am hoping to inspire others to feel the same.  hands-in-air

Arielle Dukofsky

My name is Arielle Dukofsky, and I’m a sophomore public relations major at the University of Maryland. One of the main reasons I chose to study at the University of Maryland is the diversity of its student body. I am grateful that I have the opportunity to receive my education in a place filled with people coming from all different backgrounds, cultures, and identities. While being exposed to all different perspectives, I can confidently say that I have grown as a person and have opened myself up to new people and ideas; one of these ideas being gender identity.

Over the past few years, I have become increasingly aware of the complexities surrounding gender identity and its prevalence in society. In addition, I have begun to notice the inequality that transgender people face on a daily basis – whether it be at work, in the classroom, or on the street. I believe that this intolerance of others comes as a direct result of ignorance and outdated social norms that fog a person’s perception. Through this blog, I will strive to promote the acceptance of all gender identities in society.GenderGraphic-e1433379746312-655x473